Need an Appointment?
If you'd like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then contact us, or call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397.
Our patient’s well being is our top priority when they come to visit Seymour Dental. The care doesn’t stop the minute they walk out the door. One of the nurses will call to check up the next day, after Dr Seymour has assessed the visit and she then will record the information in the patient’s notes. There are a number of reasons depending on the procedure why the phone call, below are just a few to keep in mind.
Extractions: After an extraction the patient is given all the relevant information to take home. A Dry Socket is sometimes developed 2 or 3 days after the procedure and the dentist cant predict if this will happen or not. The nurse will ask the relevant questions about the pain, weather its throbbing or a dull ache and from the will report back to the dentist and Dr Seymour will either ask the patient to come in for a dressing which will help with the healing.
Root Canal Treatment: After the root canal procedure the patient might still be a little uncomfortable as the tooth has been worked on and might feel irritated. Sometimes the bite might need adjusting and can make all the difference.
Swelling: Swelling in the mouth can be coming from a tooth that needs work on or a number of other things. If there is infection present the dentist will prescribe antibiotics and check the medical history to see if the patient is allergic to any type of medication. Often this can be done over the phone to a chemist near where the person lives.
Dentures: Dentures also need to be adjusted to make sure they fit the mouth comfortably. Sometimes 2 or 3 visits are required for the bite. Ulcers develop if the bite or shape are not corrected, so checking that dentures fit correctly is crucial.
Splints: Adjusting the splint to fit correctly can take a couple of visits, in the long run it is well worth it as teeth are saved from grinding and cracking, so it essential the splint fits correctly.
Crowns: Crowns are used for cracked teeth, root canal teeth become brittle after root canal and a crown is vital to preserving the life of the tooth. Without a crown it can break and crack and then it can become salvageable. The bite needs to be right otherwise it can give pain to the patient. Crowns and Bridges can improve the health as well as aesthetically fill in gaps.
Fillings: When a filling is placed, the bite may not be totally right. This can be so especially if the person is numb. A high spot on a filling can cause sensitivity to cold as the jaw tries to grind down the interference. This occurs mostly when you are a sleep. Popping back in for a quick adjustment will get relief very quickly!
These are a few reasons why we call and check up on our patients. If we don’t know there is problem we can’t help you.
Next week: All you wanted to know about health funds but were afraid to ask