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The year started with the addition of a new dentist to the Seymour Dental bunch, Dr Dilara Yashin. Mary and Nazli also joined our nursing team; both of whom are dental students. In January and February, there were blogs on dentures and about the things that nurses do. March came with a series on orthodontics and ending with the care of occlusal splints. April saw Sue reminiscing and we explored what to when crowns come off. May saw more orthodontics blogs; as part of the series on explaining the dental item numbers. June reminded people about the care of their dentures and Mary saw out the month of a week in the life of a dental student. July concentrated on getting the most out of the website. It’s cold weather and a man’s need to watch and play soccer, together with working long hours forced a dentist to realise he is not superman. Off to hospital for 5 days with life threatening pneumonia, Dr Seymour. Dr Eleni Nanitsos to the rescue while Dr Seymour was in hospital. She now continues to work part time. He got better! However, he now has a proper lunch break and dentists to improve Seymour Dental.
August had dental health week and preparation for the Harbour Bridge run to raise funds for Wairoa, admittedly a shorter version due to July’s distraction. September blogs continued the explanation of the dental items. The topics covered included sedation and drug therapy and ended with a dry socket blog. (Note: blogs do not get dry sockets!) October reported on the Wairoa Fund raiser and was the month on jaw joint problems and treatments. November took Roni to Thailand and marked a year since the practice was renovated.
December told the story of the Seymour Dental logo and Dr Yashin’s blog on the knocked out tooth was posted. More on Dr Eleni and a Merry Christmas finished off the year… But there’s more! The practice released Dr Seymour to explore the “land of the long white cloud” at the beginning of the December.
Next week: Dentist at Large – New Zealand – Part 1 – Queenstown