Early decay shows up as white marks (white lesions), often around the gum margins of teeth. Provided the surface has not broken, these early decay areas can be re-mineralised by chemical means i.e. treated without the need to restore the teeth with fillings. It does require you to improve your oral hygiene, by good tooth brushing and flossing, and by avoiding sugary and acid foods and drinks between meals.
For the first two weeks, brush and floss last thing at night, then apply Tooth Mousse around the outsides of upper and lower teeth, leaving it on overnight. Tooth Mousse is milk based and cannot cause problems if swallowed. There should be some fading of the white spots on the teeth around the gum margins, but they may not entirely go away.
For the next week, brush and floss daily in the evening, and apply Neutrafluor to the teeth and leave for 30 minutes, without eating, drinking or swallowing. Spit out if necessary. Then, after the 30 minutes, rinse well.
For the following two weeks, repeat the Neutrafluor twice a week, after brushing and flossing.
Tooth Mousse is lactose free and can be used by those with lactose intolerance. DO NOT USE if you have a milk protein (casein) allergy or an allergy to benzoates.