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Hello fellow blog readers,
After 7 years working for Seymour Dental, I decided it was time for my son EJ and myself to go on a short but very jam packed holiday.
As my father was already living in beautiful Phuket, Thailand the decision was unanimous and off we went.
The plane trip took us 7 hours with a stopover in Kuala Lumpa, another 3 hours. The biggest adjustment for us both was the humidity and heat. It would reach a staggering 35 degrees at 2am in the morning. My father was ecstatic to see his grandson especially since it was over a year, and EJ has grown so much as 12 year old boys do.
My father has his own fishing charter business called “Sundown Fishing Adventures”, and boy what adventures lay ahead for us both!! We sailed the high seas and caught a variety of fish, barracuda and tuna in one day, weighing over 100kg. It was every fisherman’s dream.
The next stop off was at a Tiger Sanctuary. The tigers were up close and fearsome, they were magnificent creatures with such a beauty to behold. We also went to a monkey show and had our heart stolen by these cute furry little creatures. They danced to Justin Timberlake’s song “Bringing sexy back”- strange taste. They also swam in the pool did push ups and rode a tricycle. A first, for E J and I.
The elephants were one of the highlights of our trip. We were both a little nervous as we had seen a documentary before the holiday about the elephants and some of the dangers. Luckily for us these were tame ones and my son had the elephant invite him in personally by wrapping his trunk around EJ’s arm.
The temples were decorated with such colour that took our breath away. Plenty of Buddha’s to be seen everywhere we turned. We also went to Phi Phi Island, Coral Island and Racha Island. Before we knew it our adventure had come to an end. We tearfully said goodbye to Granddad and back to Sydney Australia we headed.
But not without first taking time out to visit of a few of Thailand’s dental surgeries. Having spent a few days checking out Thailand dental health clinics, in my opinion, it’s always best to do your homework, when deciding to have any medical work done overseas. You should way up the pros and cons and use common sense, and remember what ever work you get done overseas is not guaranteed. There is no accountability if the work fails, so even though prices may differ, cheaper isn’t always the better. So I would caution anyone from trying to save a few dollars which in the long run could be no savings at all.
It was a great trip but it is always so good to be home and back to work at Seymour Dental, with “prezzies” for everyone.
I hope you have enjoyed sharing our Thai Adventure and who knows where to next – the Caribbean??
Many thanks, Roni
Next week: Hello Renovations!