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If you'd like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then contact us, or call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397.
Seymour Dental would not exist without our loyal patients and your referrals to your friends and family. The team here strive to fulfil our motto: dedicated personal care.
It’s a joy to improve people’s lives through knowledge, care, and treatment. Sometimes with a bit of fun so hopeful they do not realise why they are here, especially the children (both big and small!). This has been made a lot easier by great dental nurses: Renee, Sue, Roni, Maggie, Mary, Nazli.
And the professional assistance and friendship of the dentists, Dr Dilara Yashin, Dr Eleni Nanitsos and Dr Jason Watson.
It’s been a year since the surgery was renovated, and there is always room for improvements. On the agenda for the new year, are new computers and monitors. That is always a blast – upgrading the software and hardware, transferring data and hoping that all the devices like it. Never tell your computer that this is important, and we need to be interrupted for the least amount of time!
There is also behind the scene staff to thank. Thanks to my brother Mark, who is the IT department. Adam at VOLT Creative which runs the website; my father and Nina for general maintenance; and the dental labs for their great work. Also, I would like to thank the professional people who have given me invaluable advice and support. Thanks to Tristan Dental services for equipment maintenance and the continuing improvements.
The website now is 3 years old. The site has grown greatly in size and now is adaptable to iPads, iPad mini’s and smart phones. The newsletters are now adaptable to all devices. We even have blogs on how to navigate and use the website. We not Google, but we have the best blog models! Also, for more fun check out Seymour Dental on Facebook. If you are so inclined – “like us”. That line has got to sum this decade. We are also on Twitter, and this symbol # has to the symbol of the decade.
The Wairoa Fun Run raised over $2,000 in donations to the special school. We always appreciate the donations and support for these students who aren’t given the same start in life that we are, but who want to have a fulfilling life. Thanks to Dave who ran the 9km and Alex who ran with me on the 3.5km Bridge fun run. Why the shorter run? Yours truly was not well for a short stint in July; but more news of that in next week’s blog.
Thanks to my wife and family, who have been invaluable throughout the year, especially when I was temporarily out of action.
Merry Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Looking forward to a Dentally Sound New Year! (Maybe with some minor transgressions during Christmas, New Year, Australia Day, Easter, weekends… please be careful out there!)
Next week: The year that was 2014