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Care and Use of 3D Printed Nylon Appliances

June 27, 2022

Getting The Best Results from Your Splint.

The 3D printed nylon splint is thinner and more comfortable than previous materials yet is long lasting and durable in the mouth.


Many people clench and grind their teeth and are unaware that they do this and this occurs during sleep.

Damage to teeth and dental work as well as headaches and jaw pain can be caused from clenching and grinding forces.

The splint provides total protection from these destructive forces.

User Instructions

Adapting to your Splint

  1. Most people fully adapt to their splint within three to seven days.
  2. Sometimes in the initial period of use you may notice your mouth salivating – the brain thinks the splint is food! As the body adapts the salivation will reduce with continual us.
  3. In the initial period of getting use to the splint you may want to put it in 30-60 minutes before sleep. If you wake during night and want to leave it out, that’s ok. For some patients it is easier to build up getting used to the splint in the first week until it feels comfortable enough in the mouth to be worn throughout the night.
  4. Some patients wake up find the splint out of their mouth, lying somewhere nearby. This usually does not mean that the splint is loose. It has been shown that in the first weeks of using a splint some people unknowingly remove the splint from the mouth while asleep. This usually stops on adaptation to the splint.

Future dental treatment

If you are getting dental treatment, please take your splint so that your dentist can ensure that the shape of the teeth is not changed enough to affect the fit of the splint. 

The nylon material is thermoplastic so if required, your dentist can place the splint in hot water and adapt it to the dental work.

Maintenance and home care

Cleaning of 3D printed nylon appliances
  1. Always clean your teeth before using the splint. This removes the invisible layer of plaque which contains bacteria.
  2. Clean the splint after removing it in the morning with a toothbrush and a plant based liquid hand wash.

Weekly baths in a denture cleaning material (e.g. Polident / Steradent tablets) will help to keep it fresh and stain free, for about 15 minutes for a deep clean.

Do not use very hot water.

  1. Regularly check your splint for any material wear & tear or cracks. If in doubt please contact the dentist.
  2. Beware of dogs – they love chewing dental splints!
  3. When storing the splint, leave the container open. Aggressive bacteria types from the mouth grow in an environment without oxygen.
  4. Avoid exposing the splint to excessive heat, including direct sunlight, as it could warp splint.

Follow up

Please note: A follow up appointment a week later is needed after the fitting visit. This is essential to check that the splint’s bite is even and your appliance fit into mouth well.

Most adaptation issues occur in the first week, so it’s important to correct any problems and to ensure a protective bite and a comfortable appliance. If you allow a problem to persist, without seeking assistance, it can become more difficult to rectify.

Regular reviews

It is important that you bring your splint every six-monthly check-up in order to ensure the treatment remains successful and to assess the response of the teeth and the jaw joint.

It is also important to check for any uneven bite changes, which will need to be adjusted, otherwise the splint itself will cause jaw problem.

Need an Appointment?

If you’d like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397 or
contact us

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