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Has any renovation gone to plan and to budget? Well I had never done a full on renovation of a dental surgery. This was done while I was on holidays in the US. The holiday was already booked before we decided on when to renovate but it presented an opportunity to renovate when the surgery was not going to be fully manned. The dilemma – do I stay or do I go. Well we went for it and I left for the USA. There was a lot of preparation and planning on how the surgery would partial function while I was away… as with any renovation, that was all thrown out the window when the builders started.
Looking back I really have to thank the staff who put up with things day to day, at the coalface. I still had to do some remote controlling from the USA, which was interesting with the time difference. Anyway, coming back to a near completed renovation is a bit mind blowing considering the transformation.
Nothing is perfect but it has certainly made working life a lot, lot better!
Again, I would like to thank the staff individually – Renee, Roni, Sue, Maggie and Dr Jason Watson for being amazing!
Next week: Blog Series – Bleaching