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We kicked off the second last month of with continuation of The Extreme Sweet Tooth, with what it means today! and The Prevention of the Extreme Sweet Tooth. Yes, history is repeating itself, but now it extends to the whole population! The scourge of sugar is everywhere and its health effects can be devastating, and cause years to be taken off one’s life due to conditions such as diabetes.
The Blog Series on Leave Dentures out at Night is a timely warning that prevention of decay can be as simple as leaving dentures out at night, and simple cleaning and maintenance of them.
The final blog for the month is the next instalment in the item numbers as we get closer to the end of all those numbers! It’s on Item No. 981-982 – Splint and stabilise teeth and enamel stripping. These procedures help save teeth, create room for teeth, or get people out of trouble.
The end of 2016 is upon us. The next instalment of the item numbers explores a very important and even lifesaving topic of Item No. 983-985 Snoring or Sleep Apnoea Devices
This is a condition that can be potentially life threatening. Children in particular should not be snoring. Proper medical investigations should be carried out as to the causes of snoring. Sleep apnoea can lead to obstruction of the airway and is common in overweight people. SEEK ADVICE!
Sue then told us Why She Likes being a Dental Nurse just to mix up things a little. Then there was a Thank You from Inala (Miroma) for raising the money for adults with special needs. Thanks everyone who donated!
Merry Christmas from Seymour Dental for 2016 was a celebration of the team effort from all the staff and dentists and our technical people that keep Seymour Dental better serving all our patients, whom we all thank!
All the best to everyone for 2017!
Remember Happy Teeth, Happy Life!
Next week: Tooth discolouration – Intrinsic and Extrinsic Staining