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The Art and Soul exhibition was hosted recently by Miroma for their adult clients with disabilities. The Boy George was painted by a 77 year old client who passed away just before the showing. All the art is for sale and they do sell. There were 100 people at the opening, the largest number ever. There were interesting art chairs, jewellery, abstract art such as “mystery face”, and many other works of art of such great variety as reflected by their unique artists.
These people have many hurdles to overcome, but being creative can free the soul! This is an amazing organisation to support. Team Miroma runs for a great organisation to raise money for adults with disabilities who are often forgotten.
James, now at nearly 20 years old, is starting to say a few words. He is over 18 years and not at school but now he really needs school! Miroma is now working with us to encourage James’ communication skills further. This will reduce his frustrations and have a more enriched life.
Established in 1958, Inala has a proud history of supporting individuals living with disability to reach their full potential through flexible accommodation, day services and community support.
Miroma offers an innovative “integrated options” model of service delivery. Miroma’s three coordinated centres provide the opportunity to explore different aspects of personal development, artistic skills, independence and pre-vocational skills at each centre and within the community.
We have been raising money for children, and now adults, with disabilities for some 10 years. By reading this you have raised awareness. Please share this and thank you for following James’ journey.
Miroma has clients for life & each has their own unique challenges!
To donate
– Team Miroma
Next week: Tooth sensitivity