Seymour Dental – Dedicated personal care
Your friendly Dulwich Hill dentist, Sydney
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Happy New Year to you all!

December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018 and bring on 2019!

This has been an eventful year for the Seymour Dental team.

Dr Joy Liu joined the Seymour Dental dentists, as did Dr Kim Nguyen and Dr Mary Hatem.

Sherwin, dental nurse student, has now graduated as a dentist and leaves to start his professional career after 4 years with us.

Sherwin and Pokemon. Thank you for all your help.

Georgie, a dental student, who was a backup nurse, takes over Sherwin’s regular Saturday morning and relief nurse roles. Saba, continues to work as a dental student and nurse. She has been working Saturday mornings and relief work. We will be introducing her and Georgie in blogs in the New Year.

Renee’s son has completed his HSC and we wish him the best for the future.

Roni’s son and Dr Anthony Seymour’s son, both started year 12 at the end of 2018 year and will be doing the HSC exam in 2019. Fun for all!

We all got the flu and colds together over 4 weeks this year. Nice to have a shared experience!

Also I want to thank everyone for all the donations and support for Team Miroma this year. It’s always great to see how generous people are to help adults with disabilities, like my son James.

Team Miroma before the start at 8am - chilly

What is wonderful is all the thank you letters, gifts of appreciation and Christmas cards, we received this year and positive feedback to all the team. We are very blessed to have such great patients.

Have a restful New Year - remember 'happy teeth, happy life'

Need an Appointment?

If you’d like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397 or
contact us

Next week

Happy New Year – Highlights of 2018 – Part 1