Is the quality of the tooth forming complete? Some genetic conditions may cause the enamel to not form at all. Illness or trauma while a tooth is forming may cause improper formation of the tooth leading to patches of poor quality enamel.
As these defects mean a weakening of the enamel constant monitoring is needed. The defective enamel is more porous and weaker in strength. Over time normal activity can wear this weaken tooth material. Regular monitoring is very important; therefore treatment involves the following:
The blogs explain what the defects are and how they are caused. The types of treatment or stages as set out in the list above are found in the blog list below.
Remember these defects are life long and need to be monitored and managed properly otherwise life can become “complicated” and messy. Keeping it simple is better!
Early Intervention
Restoration – difficult to bond materials
More extensive treatment – crowns
Other options – more severe cases
If you’d like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397 or
contact us
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