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Blog Series: Doesn’t look like a big deal… or is it?

May 6, 2024

We dentists try to detect any problems, like an “Oral Sherlock Holmes” in your mouth. Often, they can be symptomless. Actually, we try to make sure everything is normal. However, as we don’t have Xray vision, (some patients think we do), some problems occur out sight (and out of mind).

Even with direct vision and magnification a small defect has surprises. No symptoms or awareness of it all. Just a dark dot and the probe gets caught in it. The problem is it’s not able to be cleaned as the tooth brush bristle is larger than the diameter of the spot/mini crater. 

They also have their surprises. Decay travels faster in the dentine under the enamel. Fluoride has made the enamel very strong but not the dentine, the decay can get quite large before food gets caught in it or symptoms occur. The opening remains small and as such the body defences, found in saliva can’t get in. The germs say thank you! Don’t keep feeding them! Sticky sweet foods hang around in these deep grooves in the teeth. This is a genetic makeup of the person so blame mum and dad!

Small opening in the enamel - not much, maybe not
Occlusal decay on an Xray - small opening in enamel but not all of the decay is seen in the x-ray early on. Surprises often happen!

Even on X-rays it not obvious there is decay under the small opening of the enamel. The X-ray detect a loss of tooth material but not a change in tooth structure. The small opening prevents the loss of material and on an Xray it may look like there is no problem.

When these cavities become obvious when the tooth is quite hollowed out and collapses. It’s a mess! Sometimes too late.

Regular check ups are important. Prevention is better than cure for much better life long outcomes.

Check out the blogs below and be surprised but please don’t be surprised, orally,  in real life!

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If you’d like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397 or
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Next week

Dry Mouth – An Update