This year would have to be called a black swan event since the last back swan event of 100 years ago – both pandemics. The Spanish flu started in earnest in 1918-1920 when the War to end all Wars carried the flu to the ends of the planet with the returning soldiers, travelling on large ships and aircraft. The virus originated in Europe or possibly USA.
The virus killed more people than the war.
Fast forward to today and another virus, Covid-19, has caused a pandemic and is wreaking havoc with the world.
The highlights of 2019 part 1, part 2, and part 3, showed a historical perspective of normal life! Then a blog on celebrating Australia Day but Australia showed how harsh a place it is with devastating bush fires.
The month stated with the final part of highlights of 2019. The rest of the mouth dealt with the Treatment of Enamel Defects (Hypoplasia and Hypo-calcification) – Prevention, early intervention, and restoration.
These defects are life-long in the permanent adult teeth.
As these defects mean a weakening of the enamel constant monitoring is needed. The defective enamel is more porous and weaker in strength. Over time normal activity can wear this weaken tooth material. Regular monitoring is very important.
The next part of the series Treatment of Enamel defects (Hypoplasia and Hypo-calcification) – More extensive treatment – Crowns opens up the month. Then the final part of the series – More extensive treatment – Other options – more severe cases are presented.
A blog based on what a patient said to me “Hey Doc, I get this swelling in my palate after I eat and it’s annoying me; what is it?” gives an answer.
Then the world changed.
Dentistry and the Coronavirus – Do we do things differently?
Dentistry and the Coronavirus – Do we do things differently? Managing suspected cases of COVID-19
If you’d like to book an appointment with the dentist at Seymour Dental then call us in Dulwich Hill, Sydney on (02) 9564 2397 or
contact us
Happy New Year – Highlights of 2020 – Part 2 - April to June